
M. Quenneville Greenhouses Photo Contest

1st edition 2021

With the launch of our new website, we are officially launching the “Your best photos – 2021 edition” competition. By registering, you have the chance to win a voucher of $ 50, $ 75 or $ 100, redeemable with us at M. Quenneville Greenhouses.

Criteria for your garden

Three winners will be determined taking into account the following criteria: originality, choice of plants, plant health, visual effect, ecological and sustainable development. It will also be possible for you to describe your photos to us.

To register to the contest

  • Entries for the competition start from May 13 until August 31, 2021;
  • Send us a maximum of four photos of your plants, your garden;
  • Fill in the participation form. 

You can send us the photos:

Good luck to everyone!



  1. Contest organizer

The contest organizer is M. Quenneville Greenhouses. For any information, send an email to:

  1. How to participate
  1. Eligibility

Each participant sends one or more digital photographs, without editing and without retouching, in black and white or in color and in high quality.

Each photo can be accompanied by a note which expresses in a few lines the history or the reasons for the photo (to be included in the entry form).

  1. Selection criteria

A jury will examine all the photos that meet the required criteria and choose three winning photos.

  • originality,
  • choice of plants,
  • plant health,
  • visual effect,
  • ecological and sustainable development
  1. Prices 

The authors of the three winning photos will receive a gift certificate worth $ 50, $ 75 or $ 100 exchangeable with us at M. Quenneville Greenhouses.

  1. Assignment of copyright

The person participating certifies that they are the copyright holder of the photos. It transfers all rights of representation and reproduction free of charge. It guarantees the M. Quenneville Greenhouses full enjoyment, free of all servitude and peaceful rights ceded, against any future claims.

In accordance with copyright, at M. Quenneville Greenhouses undertakes to display the author’s name on reproductions and representations. The photo credit will be indicated as follows: “First name Last name,”.

  1. Image rights

The author guarantees to have the authorizations of rights to the image concerning the people and the goods appearing in their photographs. Photographs must not prejudice the image of third parties. No visual element should interfere with privacy. The photographs must not contain elements of a defamatory, discriminatory, abusive, pornographic, racist or contrary to the law nature.

  1. Cancellation of the contest

M. Quenneville Greenhouses reserve the right to modify or cancel the photo contest.